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Have An Un-Reported Account Associated With Mossack Fonseca? Like Your Freedom? Call Us!

Have An Un-Reported Account Associated With Mossack Fonseca? Like Your Freedom? Call Us!

On April 4, 2016 we posted Huge Leak From the Panamanian Law Firm Mossack Fonseca! where we discussed that the offshore planning world was set on fire with the news that 11 million documents were leaked from the Panamanian law firm Mossack Fonseca.  They allegedly show how Mossack Fonseca has helped clients launder money, dodge sanctions and evade tax. The company says it has operated beyond reproach for 40 years and has never been charged with criminal wrong-doing.

In our blog post. we speculated that while the neither the BBC article, nor a more detailed series of articles from the International Consortium of International Journalists, reference any U.S. client; U.S. persons will probably show up, given that Mossack Fonseca apparently maintained a branch in Las Vegas, Nevada, under the name of M.F. Company Services and Mossack Fonseca Company Services is currently attempting to fight a subpoena brought in the U.S. District Court for the District of Nevada seeking information on at least 123 companies that it created.

Today April 18, 2016 NBC news is reporting that the US 
has taken part in 2 Global Meetings about the
"Panama Papers"
to Plan how to Use the Huge Trove of Leaked Documents to Catch Criminals and urged Americans to Come Clean NOW before their Illegal Activity is Discovered! 

IRS officials said they could not discuss who participated and what, specifically, was discussed. But in its statement to NBC news, the IRS described the meeting as "productive and timely" and said "governments around the world are working together cooperatively" to respond to the information released in the Panama Papers, with JITSIC playing a coordinating role. 

U.S. federal agents and prosecutors told NBC News earlier that they had begun to mobilize in an effort to obtain and use the Panama Papers to bolster Existing Criminal Investigations and Prosecutions and to Launch New Ones.


The IRS also Encouraged any U.S. Citizens
and Companies that may have money in
Offshore Accounts to Make a Voluntary Disclosure NOW before they have Their Possible Illegal Activity Identified!

According to media reports, the documents contain information on potentially thousands of U.S. citizens and firms that have at least an indirect connection to offshore accounts affiliated with Mossack Fonseca. 

Do You Have Undeclared Income 
From A Foreign Entity
Formed By Mossack Fonseca ?



Do You Have Undeclared Accounts
With Any of the Following Foreign Banks?

More than 500 banks, their subsidiaries and branches registered nearly 15,600 shell companies with Mossack Fonseca, according to ICIJ’s analysis.
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Read more at: Tax Times blog

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