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Switzerland is nearing deals with the United States and Germany over hidden offshore accounts

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Swiss Banks still Draw Rich despite Secrecy Blows

ZURICH (Reuters) - Swiss bankers are on the defensive with their secretive industry under sustained attack for sheltering tax dodgers.

Zurich overtook Tokyo as most expensive according to a new ranking by the Economist Intelligence Unit because of the soaring Swiss franc. The currency is up 30 percent since 2008, despite a cap imposed last year by the central bank, because investors view it as a safe haven in global economic turmoil.

The same factors make the country's banks attractive despite the gradual erosion of bank secrecy: political stability and neutrality, low government debt and an economy which has been relatively resilient through the financial crisis.

Although Swiss banks - especially the country's biggest UBS have shared in the pain of the crisis, they have retained an image for solidity, particularly in contrast to their euro zone rivals, bolstered by new capital rules that are the world's strictest.

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In March 2012, the Florida legislature passed a rather unique piece of legislation aimed specifically at a new type of tax fraud software moving into the United States. The software is known as "Automated Sales Suppression Device," "Zapper," or "Phantom-ware."

The purpose of the software is to suppress the cash sales from the business's accounting records – at the cash register level. The sales are simply eliminated from the system and the user of the software pockets the cash. You can imagine this practice is not only tempting for morally questionable business owners, but that it would also be highly fraudulent for federal income tax and state sales tax purposes as well. The software might be used by an unscrupulous business owner or even an employee (turning the cash register into his personal ATM machine).

Upon signature by the Governor, Section 213.295, Florida Statutes, will be created to criminalize Zappers. After the approved legislation becomes law, a person who knowingly sells, purchases, installs, transfers, possesses, utilizes, or accesses any automated sales suppression device is guilty of a felony of the 3rd degree. It is expected that the Governor will sign this piece of legislation and, unlike like most of the other sales and use tax legislation approved by the Florida Legislature, this statute will take effect immediately after it is signed.

Posted By James Sutton on Mar 26, 2012 12:40pm EDT

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Florida Passes Captive Insurance Legislation

The Florida Legislature has passed HB 1101, an omnibus insurance bill that has carried language to allow Florida to become a Captive Insurance domicile state. A captive insurance company is a business or a group of businesses that form their own insurance subsidiary to finance their retained losses in a formal structure.

Captive insurance companies are established with the specific objective of financing risks emanating from their parent group or groups. The adopted language would allow for captive insurance companies to provide commercial insurance only on their own risks and does not allow for captive insurance companies to provide workers compensation, health, homeowners, and private passenger auto insurance.

Florida’s captive insurance laws have been antiquated serving as a regulatory barrier to the formation of captive insurers in this state.

The newly adopted language would allow Florida to compete nationally with other states for captive insurance business. There are approximately 37 other states that have adopted legislation to allow for captive insurance companies.

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