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Category Archives: criminal tax law

TIGTA Says Pot Biz Underpaid $243M in Taxes!

TIGTA issued a report on March 30, 2020 that indicates that the IRS may have missed out on $242.6 million in unassessed taxes against marijuana businesses in three states that likely claimed prohibited business expense deductions.

Highlights of Reference Number:  2020-30-017 to the Commissioner of Internal Revenue.
Marijuana is classified as a Schedule I controlled substance under the Controlled Substances Act.  Businesses in this industry have limited banking access and are subject to Internal Revenue Code (I.R.C.) Section (§) 280E, which prohibits the deduction of expenses incurred in trafficking Schedule I controlled substances.  The IRS risks diminished taxpayer compliance when marijuana businesses fail to report all income as required under I.R.C § 61, regardless of source, and deduct expenses not allowed under I.R.C. § 280E.
This audit was initiated to evaluate the IRS’s examination and education approach to certain cash-based industries with an emphasis on legal marijuana operations.
TIGTA reviewed statistical random samples of marijuana businesses in three States and determined that 59 percent (140 out of 237) of the tax return filings for Tax Year 2016 had likely I.R.C. § 280E adjustments, which when projected over the population totaled $48.5 million in unassessed taxes for Tax Year 2016 or $242.6 million when the results are forecasted over five years.

TIGTA also estimated the tax impact to comply with I.R.C. § 280E for the same sampled marijuana business taxpayers.  When projected to the population, TIGTA estimated a $95 million Federal income tax impact to these taxpayers from the application of I.R.C. § 280E on their Tax Year 2016, or $475.1 million when forecasted over five years.

In addition, TIGTA selected a statistically random sample of 90 marijuana businesses that filed State returns for Tax Year 2016 in the State of Washington to determine whether these taxpayers were reporting all of their income in compliance with I.R.C. § 61.  TIGTA found that 23 (26 percent) of 90 returns likely have I.R.C. § 61 adjustments involving either underreported income or nonfiling of tax returns.  When projected over the population for Washington, the IRS missed the opportunity to address $3.9 million of potential assessments for Tax Year 2016, or $19.3 million when forecasted over five years.
Also, the IRS lacks guidance to taxpayers and tax professionals in the marijuana industry.  Such guidance would improve awareness of tax filing requirements for taxpayers in this industry, such as the correct application of I.R.C. §§ 280E and 471(c), which would reduce the burden of tracking inventory for certain small businesses.
TIGTA recommended that the IRS develop a comprehensive compliance approach for the marijuana industry, including a method to identify businesses in this industry and track examination results; develop and publicize guidance specific to the marijuana industry, such as guidance on the application of I.R.C. § 471(c) in conjunction with I.R.C. § 280E;  leverage publically available information at the State level and expand the use of existing Fed/State agreements to identify nonfilers and unreported income in the marijuana industry; and increase educational outreach towards unbanked taxpayers making cash deposits regarding the unbanked relief policies available.
The IRS agreed with five of the six recommendations.  The IRS did not agree with the recommendation to develop and provide guidance on I.R.C. § 471(c) citing other priorities.  However, the IRS added that once the 2019-2020 Priority Guidance Plan is resolved, developing guidance to ensure coordination between I.R.C. §§ 280E and 471(c) will be considered.
To view the report, including the scope, methodology, and full IRS response, go to:

Have An IRS Tax Audit Problem?
Contact the Tax Lawyers at
Marini & Associates, P.A.
for a FREE Tax HELP Contact us at:
www.TaxAid.com or www.OVDPLaw.com
Toll Free at 888 8TAXAID (888-882-9243)


Read more at: Tax Times blog

IRS operations during the coronavirus pandemic – 10 Things You Should Know

This COVID-19 epidemic required the IRS to make significant adjustments to the way it does business. The IRS will be doing its best to conduct business as usual while helping taxpayers by administering many of the recently passed COVID-19 relief provisions.

The IRS is urgently working on building remote work capability for many of its 70,000-plus employees, most of whom usually work from IRS locations and offices throughout the country.

This transition will take some time in order to return to normal operations. In some cases, operations will not return to normal until well after the pandemic is over.

In the meantime, accountingTODAY nicely summarized the current status of IRS operations and list the following topics: that were not doing an extension not to June 15 which could be July 50

  1. IRS.gov is the first place to answer your questions.
  2. Live assistance is very limited.
  3. The IRS will be hard to reach, even after the pandemic is over.
  4. You can put that audit on hold, unless it deals with a refund hold situation.
  5. If you owe back taxes, you have a temporary reprieve.
  6. IRS will not require your monthly installment agreement payment.
  7. IRS Transcripts are usually your best method to answer to account-related questions.
  8. TAS can be reached if you have a hardship, but you must call your local office.
  9. The IRS is still processing tax returns and it is best to file as soon as possible.
  10. IRS tax collectors will not grab the stimulus payment to pay past tax debt.

Have a Tax problem?

Need to Obtain IRS Relief during
The Coronavirus (COVID-19) Epidemic?
Contact the Tax Lawyers at
Marini & Associates, P.A.

for a FREE Tax HELP Contact us at:
www.TaxAid.com or www.OVDPLaw.com
Toll Free at 888 8TAXAID (888-882-9243)

Read more at: Tax Times blog

Email and Digital Signatures Now Accepted by IRS due to coronavirus

The Internal Revenue Service is now accepting email and digital signatures on tax documents to make it easier for tax professionals and taxpayers to communicate with the agency during the novel coronavirus pandemic.

The IRS stated in a Memo dated March 27, 2020, that, effective immediately, it would “begin temporarily accepting images of signatures (scanned or photographed) and digital signatures on documents related to the determination or collection of tax liability.”

In Addition, The IRS Is Letting Its Employees Accept Documents Through Email, Transmitting Documents
To Taxpayers Using SecureZip Or Other
“Established Secure Messaging Systems.”

The categories of documents included in the scope of this memorandum are:

  1. extensions of statute of limitations on assessment or collection,
  2. waivers of statutory notices of deficiency and consents to assessment,
  3. agreements to specific tax matters or tax liabilities (closing agreements), and
  4. any other statement or form needing the signature of a taxpayer or representative traditionally collected by IRS personnel outside of standard filing procedures (for example, a case specific Power of Attorney).

Questions on whether this memorandum applies to a specific form or document should be addressed to the applicable Business Operating Division’s policy office.


The IRS will accept images of signatures (scanned or photographed) in one of the following file types: tiff, jpg, jpeg, pdf, Microsoft Office suite, or Zip.


The IRS will accept Digital Signatures that use encryption techniques to provide proof of

original and unmodified documentation on one of the following file types: tiff, jpg, jpeg, pdf, Microsoft Office suite, or Zip.


Additional Methods to Receive Documents Electronically

To eliminate mailing documents to the extent possible, IRS employees should use all existing and previously allowable means of receiving and transmitting documents, such as, eFax or established secured messaging systems.


“The IRS is continuing to monitor methods to lessen the burden on taxpayers and professionals during this period,” said Sunita Lough, IRS deputy commissioner for services and enforcement, in a statement Monday. “We greatly appreciate the patience, support and valuable comments we continue to receive from the tax professional community as we move forward.” 

Have an IRS Tax Problem?

Contact the Tax Lawyers at
Marini & Associates, P.A.
for a FREE Tax HELP Contact us at:
www.TaxAid.com or www.OVDPLaw.com
Toll Free at 888 8TAXAID (888-882-9243)












Read more at: Tax Times blog

COVID-19 Tax Relief Fails to Extend to Certain Foreign Information Return Filing Deadlines

On March 25, 2020, we posted IRS FAQs Answer Filing, Payment Postponement Questions, where we discussed that the IRS has launched a webpage entitled Filing and Payment Deadlines Questions and Answers, which answers Filing, Payment Postponement Questions in Notice 2020-18.

Then upon closer analysis it became evident that this COVID-19 tax relief fails to extend certain foreign information return filing deadlines.

Day Pitney has an alert that discusses whether the filing deadline for an information return is affected by the income tax return filing extension largely depends on whether the information return's due date is explicitly tied to the taxpayer's income tax return due date.

Day Pitney has evaluated whether the due dates for the foreign information returns have been extended and provide a list by Form, in tabular format, as to what is covered by the emergency COVID-19 Tax Relief allowing filings to be postponed to July 15, 2020 and which Foreign Information Return Filing have been extended by this relief.

Have an IRS Tax Problem?

Contact the Tax Lawyers at
Marini & Associates, P.A.
for a FREE Tax HELP Contact us at:
www.TaxAid.com or www.OVDPLaw.com
Toll Free at 888 8TAXAID (888-882-9243)


Read more at: Tax Times blog

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