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TC Finds That a Florida Woman Qualifies for Innocent Spouse Relief From Joint Tax Debt

TC Finds That a Florida Woman Qualifies for Innocent Spouse Relief From Joint Tax Debt

According to Law360, A Florida woman is eligible for relief from joint tax liability with her former husband for tax years 2006 through 2008, the U.S. Tax Court held on June 6, 2022 in Jan E. Pocock v. Comm', docket numbers 2558-17 and 23569-17L, U.S. Tax Court.

Jan Pocock qualified for innocent spouse relief from joint liability for those years under Internal Revenue Code Section 6015(f), the Tax Court said. The Tax Court concluded that the liabilities at issue were attributable to her ex-husband, and Jan Pocock hadn't engaged in asset transfers with him as part of a fraudulent scheme and she hadn't been a knowing participant in the filing of fraudulent joint returns.

The court said that not granting her relief would cause Jan Pocock economic hardship and under the circumstances, trying to investigate the accuracy of the returns would've risked her safety because she suffered spousal abuse.

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Read more at: Tax Times blog

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