On April 19, 2013 we posted "IRS Begins Furlough Notice" which discussed that the IRS planned furlough included May 24, June 14, July 5, July 22 and August 30, with another two days possible in August or September.
The Internal Revenue Service announced on Aug. 7, 2013 that it will be open on Friday, Aug. 30, following the postponement of its fifth scheduled agency-wide employee furlough day.
"We have made substantial progress in cutting costs. … Our progress is such that we have decided to postpone the furlough day scheduled for Aug. 30.
We still have more work to do on the budget and cost-savings, so we will reevaluate in early September and make a final determination as to whether we will need another furlough day in September," said Danny Werfel, IRS Acting Commissioner, in a message to IRS employees.
The IRS has so far taken three furlough days on May 24, June 14 and July 5 due to the current budget situation, including the sequester.
Last month, the IRS was also able to cancel the previously scheduled July 22nd furlough day due to cost-cutting efforts.
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